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Psychological Well-being Scale

The Psychological Wellbeing Scale (PWS) is a self-report questionnaire developed to evaluate various aspects of psychological well-being and functioning in individuals across different contexts. Designed as an adaptation of existing scales, the PWS aims to assess key dimensions of psychological well-being, including positive affect, life satisfaction, and personal growth.

Psychological Well-being Scale

The Psychological Wellbeing Scale (PWS) provides a comprehensive and reliable assessment of psychological well-being, encompassing multiple dimensions relevant to individuals' overall mental health and functioning. Its practical utility and psychometric properties make it a valuable tool for clinicians, researchers, and organisations seeking to promote psychological well-being and resilience in diverse populations.

Assessment of Psychological Well-being: The PWS comprises multiple sub-scales, each measuring a distinct dimension of psychological well-being. The Positive Affect sub-scale assesses the frequency and intensity of positive emotions experienced by individuals. The Life Satisfaction sub-scale evaluates overall satisfaction with various life domains, such as work, relationships, and health. The Personal Growth sub-scale measures perceptions of self-improvement, learning, and development over time.

Identification of Psychological Well-being Levels: Respondents indicate their agreement with statements reflecting different aspects of psychological well-being on a Likert-type scale, typically ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 7 (strongly disagree). Sub-scale scores are calculated by summing the responses to relevant items, with higher scores indicating higher levels of psychological well-being in the respective dimension.

Validity: The validity of the PWS is supported by research demonstrating its correlation with measures of mental health, resilience, and subjective well-being across diverse populations and settings. While specific reliability coefficients may vary depending on the sample and version of the scale used, studies have generally reported satisfactory levels of internal consistency and construct validity for the PWS. Internal consistencies varied between 0.87 and 0.96 and test-retest reliability coefficients ranged between 0.78 and 0.97 for six subscales.

Reliability: The PWS demonstrates good psychometric properties, including adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Studies have consistently shown significant associations between PWS scores and indicators of psychological functioning and quality of life, supporting its reliability and validity as a measure of psychological well-being.

Clinical Utility: The PWS is valuable in clinical and research contexts for assessing individuals' psychological well-being and identifying areas of strength and growth. It aids in understanding individuals' subjective experiences of well-being, guiding interventions to enhance psychological resilience and promote overall mental health. Moreover, the PWS facilitates the evaluation of intervention outcomes and the monitoring of changes in psychological well-being over time.

Limitations: Despite its utility, the PWS has limitations that should be considered. Self-report measures are subject to response biases and may not fully capture individuals' subjective experiences of well-being. Additionally, the PWS primarily focuses on psychological well-being and may not address other aspects of mental health or functioning. Cultural and contextual factors may also influence the interpretation of PWS scores, underscoring the need for cultural sensitivity in its administration and interpretation.

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